SCARPA is a world-leading Italian manufacturer of footwear for mountain and outdoor activities. Founded in 1938 in Asolo, Treviso province, as Società Calzaturieri Asolani Riuniti Pedemontana Anonima (hence the acronym S.C.A.R.P.A.), today the company has branches in Germany, the USA and China and production facilities in Romania and Serbia. 60% of production remains in Italy, in the heart of the Veneto footwear district.
SCARPA’s leading position has become consolidated over time, particularly in the fields of ski mountaineering and telemark, followed by climbing, hiking and trail running. But that’s not all. With models like the iconic Mojito, SCARPA embarked on a new course of urban outdoors: comfortable footwear that’s suitable for any occasion, but which doesn’t hide its adventurous spirit. And it is this very desire to be outside, have adventures and explore that distinguishes the soul of SCARPA products. Extremely technical, superb quality footwear, designed in collaboration with top professional athletes, but also suitable for simple enthusiasts.

The company’s work is actually characterised by a strong commitment to innovation: every year SCARPA lodges 4 European patent applications and invests almost 5% of its revenue in research and development.
SCARPA is a company that lives every day in nature and mountains: respect for the environment is a value that’s spontaneously and effortlessly part of the SCARPA DNA. So everything SCARPA does hinges on sustainability: from energy supplies for factories to the production processes used, not forgetting the quest for more eco-compatible materials and methods.
From this starting point, SCARPA recently launched its GREEN MANIFESTO, a programmed commitment that sets out the company’s sustainable principles and actualises them in new initiatives, geared to bringing the company in line with the highest international standards.

SCARPA Green Manifesto
As for Scarpa, the challenge for Chamex in recent years is to adapt to climate change and try to protect the environment by reducing its impact on the planet: not an easy task for those working in the tourism sector.
For Scarpa, sustainability means first and foremost creating products that last and can be repaired if necessary, as well as exploring sustainable solutions, favouring materials of renewable or recycled origin.
Chamex guides for their part are committed to showing customers the effect of climate change on the mountains and avoid proposing activities with a high environmental impact. And if it is true that customers travel a lot to get to Chamonix, often by plane, Chamex deploys some concrete and innovative actions such as promoting weekly proposals rather than weekend packages and encouraging the use of the train for trips in Europe.